Personal Umbrella Insurance - Main Street P&C
Call us: +1 (718) 365 5656

1030 Morris Park Ave Bronx, NY 10461

What does a Personal Umbrella Insurance covers?

This type of coverage protects you from large and potentially devastating liability claims or judgments. Personal Umbrella Insurance it’s applicable when you reach your standard insurance limits.

Significant property damage

The standard auto insurance liability limit may not be able to cover all the damages if you are at fault in an auto accident where you destroy another vehicle and/or other property.

Serious bodily injury liability

The homeowners insurance liability limit may be insufficient to cover medical and other costs related to a guest getting injured in your home, or being bitten by your dog.

Landlord liability

A renter might file an expensive suit over an injury sustained while renting your property.

Serious bodily injury liability

If you write something about another person, there is a risk in suing you if they claim its a slander.

Malicious prosecution

You may file a suit against someone and in turn be sued for wrongfully, or maliciously, prosecuting that individual.

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