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Personal Coverage
Even Insurance companies, like any business, require protection against different risks. Insurers buy insurance from another insurer to reinsure risk they assume. The additional insurer is known as a reinsurer. This insurance typically cover catastrophic, when the total losses exceed a specified amount.
In 1992 there were $15.5 billion damages because of Hurricane Andrew in Florida causing seven U.S. insurance companies bankrupt.
The reinsurer will receive an allocated share of the premiums of all the policies sold by the insurance company being covered. When claims are made, the reinsurer will also take a portion of the losses. In a proportional coverage, the reinsurance company will also reimburse the insurance company for all processing, business acquisition and writing costs.
In this coverage, the reinsurer will only get involved if the insurance company’s losses exceed a specified amount, which is referred to as priority or retention limit. Accordingly the reinsurer does not have a proportional share in the premiums and losses of the insurance provider. The priority limit may be based on a single type of risk or an entire business category.
Under this type of contract, all policy claims that are made during the effective period of the reinsurance coverage will be covered, regardless of whether the losses occurred outside the coverage period.
Loss-occurring coverage is under the treaty coverage. The insurance company can claim all losses that occur during the reinsurance contract period. The important factor to consider is when the losses have occurred and not when the claims have been made.
This is a form of non-proportional coverage. The reinsurer will only cover the losses that surpass the insurance company’s certain limit. This type of contract it’s unique because is typically applied in catastrophic events.